Salesforce Digital Transformation

DigitalNext has enabled some of largest global leaders to innovate faster via a customer centric model that underpins personalized customer journeys and 360-degree views of customers. We will drive your Salesforce digital transformation with the most exciting cloud computing technology in the world.

Our Salesforce solutions and our unique approach to their implementation will ensure a pathbreaking transformation for your organization.

Institute Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud (SMAC) stack

At the core of digital transformation lies the SMAC stack. Social, Mobile, Analytics, and Cloud are what power the digital enterprise today. Today, Salesforce and SMAC are inseparable. A 100% cloud based platform, Salesforce seamlessly integrates mobile technologies into business processes. By adding the Internet of Things (IoT) it brings together the physical and virtual worlds to power the transformation.

By connecting your social media presence with Salesforce, DigitalNext will help bring your organization closer to your customers. Through the Salesforce AI/analytical powerhouse, we will deliver the rich actionable insights that power decision making.

Bring employees front and center of transformation

Transformation is clearly about employees first. Transformation means new or altered processes and workflows that employees will need to buy into and enthusiastically participate in. As an intuitive and user-friendly platform, Salesforce automates difficult, complex, and repetitive tasks. Salesforce enhances the quality of life of employees and makes their work more meaningful.

From Sales to Service to Marketing and more, Digital Next will bring new and exciting Salesforce technologies that employees can embrace and enjoy. With Salesforce Trailhead, the learning journey goes hand in hand.

Step up internal and external collaboration

Raising the level of internal and external collaboration is intrinsic to transformation. Salesforce provides a single enterprise-class platform to make collaboration happen. Content to execute processes is always just a click away, on tap.

By unifying people, processes, and content based on a single view of the enterprise and a single source of truth, DigitalNext will enable smooth and natural collaboration through the Salesforce platform. Organizational efficiency will get a huge boost.

Power the journey with automation

By automating processes across functions and departments with Salesforce, DigitalNext will help accelerate your enterprise. Process triggers automatically drive appropriate actions be it sales or service or marketing or other. Workflows run continuously and constantly and keep the enterprise always humming.

Human errors and reaction times are eliminated. Indeed, human intervention in the process becomes an exception not the rule. Overall, DigitalNext will help raise organizational speed  to an entirely new level.

DigitalNext Services

DigitalNext services keep your Salesforce digital transformation on track.
Our end-to-end expertise extends across: Consulting > Implementation > Customization > Integration > Support.
Covers the entire Salesforce stack: Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, Commerce/Community Cloud, Salesforce Platform.

Salesforce Implementation

We will implement Salesforce based solutions and the platform to realize personalized solutions that reflect your unique needs

Salesforce Support

Our Salesforce experts will keep the platform humming with regular, ongoing maintenance, enhancements, optimizations, and performance tuning to raise adoption and value.

Salesforce Managed Services

Through our managed services, we will help you realize a flexible and scalable solution that stays aligned with your growth plans and business needs.

Salesforce Customization

From custom objects and fields, to data management, to custom workflows, we will continually sync Salesforce with your specific processes and data needs.

Salesforce Org Assessment

Our custom development services will review org utilization, configuration, and code to unlock innovation via the platform.

Salesforce Integration

By integrating your enterprise systems with Salesforce, we will provide a pathway to a 360-degree view of your business processes that will help you streamline them as needed.

Salesforce Lightning

We will move you from Salesforce Classic to Salesforce Lightning with data migration assistance including compatibility checks and redesign, app packaging, automation, and UI renders.

Salesforce Security

We will help you ensure safety of critical data and keep you protected through security and compliance checks and reviews and risk mitigation strategies.

Salesforce Marketing

We will help you better engage with customers and prospects across the funnel with personalized content and actions, gain valuable insights, and step up conversions, visibility, and business growth.

Salesforce Data Management

Through data migration, integration, and data cleansing, we will finetune your data strategy by consolidating data silos, adding governance, and managing licensing costs.

Salesforce Change Management

Our change management services will raise adoption, minimize risk, and boost agility and flexibility of the platform through a carefully orchestrated change management strategy

Have a project in mind?

Talk to us to learn how we can help you bring your ideas to life while solving business problems through digital technology.

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