5 ways businesses can improve their security posture

When you’ve worked hard to build your business from the ground up, the last thing you want or deserve is to have all that hard work compromised or destroyed by cyber threats done by cybercriminals.  These days businesses are dealing with threats from all angles. Whether it’s the theft of equipment and stock, damage to business property, and of course cybercriminals. It seems that business security is becoming a larger expense in any business budget. So, how can you ensure that your business, its assets, your customers, and even your employees are safe in the workplace?  In this article, our security experts highlighted 5 must areas to look for better security management and posture.   

Secure your IT network 

As most smaller businesses don’t have a dedicated security team that can monitor the network for potential threats or vulnerabilities. Whether it’s making sure that the internal network is patched and up to date, or that it’s protected with a firewall, your organization need a proactive, robust and agile approach to secure your IT infrastructure.  Partnership with managed security service providers becomes critical to get advanced IT security right under budget with zero complexities.

Implement multi-factor authentication 

Multi-factor authentication is an increasingly popular way to improve the security of your network and digital assets. This can be done through a number of different methods, including using a security application on your mobile device, or NFC (near-field communication) on a computer keyboard.  Multi-factor authentication is a secure way to confirm users’ identities, even if users don’t have a password. It’s particularly useful for sensitive applications, like those handling company data. This has become increasingly important as fraudsters have begun to use fake mobile apps to try and access people’s bank accounts and other sensitive information.  If a person logs into an app with their username and password, the app will check that the username and password are correct. If they’re not, the app will tell them they’ve been logged in by someone else. This is an important safety feature that can protect people’s bank accounts and other sensitive information.   

Protect your data 

Whether it’s protecting sensitive documents or other assets with a secure filing cabinet, or ensuring that your data is encrypted and protected, data security is a top priority for any business. If you want to protect your data from potential threats, you need to ensure that it’s stored safely and that it’s accessible only to those who need to see it.  Securing your data can be as simple as keeping it in an off-site location, or encrypting it with a cloud-based solution. Protect your data by ensuring that it’s stored safely and that it’s accessible only to those who need to see it. It may also be a good idea to have a data backup plan in place, in case of data loss or theft.   

Train your staff and stay up to date 

Whether you have one employee or hundreds of them, they’re all at risk of being lured into stealing information or taking advantage of a weakness in the security of your network or assets. It’s important that everyone in your organization understands the importance of security, and that they’re aware of any potential holes in it.  It is also a good idea to regularly audit your existing security system, and implement any enhancements as they become available, to stay up to date with the latest technology and ensure that you’re protecting your business from any new threats. 

 Physical Security

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised how often companies don’t consider physical security when it comes to their data. The first thing that you should do is make sure that your data is kept in a safe location.  This could be safe in your office, or somewhere else that only has the proper permissions to access that information. Next, you should make sure that your data is physically secured. This means that you should make sure that it isn’t just sitting in a filing cabinet or on a desk, but that it is kept in a locked cabinet, or even in a locked server room.  You can also take this one step further and encrypt your data. Encrypting your data isn’t just about keeping it safe, it’s also a way to prove that it’s been accessed. In this way, an intruder won’t be able to lie and say that they didn’t steal data if they later claim that they only accessed the data.

Final Thoughts 

Business security can be a complicated and expensive endeavour. However, these tips will help you protect your business from cyberattacks and boost your security posture. While it’s important to have a robust security plan in place, it’s also important to remember that new threats emerge every day.  That’s why managed security service providers like DigitalNext have become business accelerator because not only does our cutting-edge expertise offers an advanced solution but also proactively without any core business dysfunction. Don’t rely on outdated security. Redeem your right to security with DigitalNext.   
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