Phishing Simulation and Security Awareness

Phishing attacks are on the rise with a shift to to mobile and personal communication channels to target people, who are clearly the weakest link in the any organization’s cybersecurity defense plan. According to a recent report, phishing was one of the most common methods for spreading malware. With the use of generative AI, detecting phishing attacks has become harder. The answer lies in employee awareness training along with real-time phishing simulation exercises. These will equip your employees with necessary insights to take well informed decisions and protect your organization against any potential threats.

DigitalNext will help get your employees ready for taking on future risks through awareness trainings and advanced phishing simulations. There are several types of phishing attacks to deal with.

Email phishing

Email is the preferred delivery route for phishing attacks. Techniques include use of fake domain names that resemble real organizations and a large volume of requests. By replacing characters, using sub-domains, and other trusted information, attackers can deceive recipients.

By creating a sense of urgency or by using threats, attackers can cause recipients to lower their guard and make mistakes.

Spear phishing

Spear phishing attacks target a specific individual with privileged access to sensitive data or network resources or special authority that attackers can exploit to achieve their goals. Use of personal details or financial information raises the effectiveness of phishing emails and manipulate victims into performing tasks like transferring funds.

Whaling attacks target senior management roles through more subtle techniques by using information in the public domain to craft effective attacks.

Smishing and Vishing

Voice phishing, or vishing, uses phone calls with caller ID spoofing to make it appear that the calls are from legitimate organizations. Vishing may also use automated phone calls that pretend to be from a legitimate organization.

SMS phishing, or smishing, uses mobile phone or smartphone text messages with contextual schemes that aim to deceive like a scam investigator for a credit card company or bank notifying users that their account has been breached.

Social media phishing

Social media phishing use a social media platform to discover members’ sensitive information and then use the platforms’ messaging capabilities like the use of regular email and text messaging. The attacker uses an account handle that looks like a legitimate organization. Phishing emails may appear to come from the social media platform asking recipients to update credentials or payment details.

Attackers take advantage of users’ tendency to lodge complaints and request assistance from social media channels of large brands.

DigitalNext Services

Phishing is a common social engineering technique for deceiving, pressuring, and manipulating people into sending sensitive information or other valuable assets by relying on human error and pressure tactics for success. DigitalNext will provide valuable training and consulting to prepare employees to be on the watch for these attacks and avoid being deceived by these techniques.

Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Cybersecurity awareness training will raise employee awareness levels and provide them with the skills needed to better protect themselves and the enterprise from phishing attacks. Training on cybersecurity best practices will empower employees to take appropriate action when they receive suspicious emails or text messages, and confidently take the right decisions when creating new passwords, screening emails, or browsing.

Cybersecurity Expert Training

We will conduct training on technology defenses that prevent phishing emails from reaching users and thereby limit the severity of attacks if the emails get through. This includes email and spam filtering to keep generic phishing attempts and other spam from landing in user inboxes. This will also include training on mail server configuration, secondary email verification, maintaining uptodate patches, and network segmentation

Advanced Phishing Simulations

We will run phishing simulation exercises that train employees and other people to detect signals and signs that an email is likely a phishing email. Employees will learn how to prevent data breaches, malware infections, and social engineering attacks by understanding how phishing works and learning how to detect phishing attacks and respond to them. We will use phishing templates and analytics to identify training needs of employees.

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