RPA Services for Digital Success

RPA enables organizations to automate at a fraction of the cost and time previously encountered. RPA is also non-intrusive in nature. It leverages the existing infrastructure without causing disruption to underlying systems, which would be difficult and costly to replace. With RPA, cost efficiency and compliance are no longer an operating cost but a byproduct of the automation. Intelligent Automation—the combination of artificial intelligence and automation— is helping companies transcend conventional performance tradeoffs to achieve unprecedented levels of efficiency and quality.

DigitalNext will build RPA based applications that range from the routine to the revolutionary: from collecting, analyzing, and making decisions about textual information to guiding autonomous vehicles and advanced robots. Additionally, we will create intelligent automation systems that sense and synthesize vast amounts of information and can automate entire processes or workflows, learning and adapting as they go.

Identify RPA opportunities

DigitalNext will evaluate processes for suitability for RPA implementation. This involves a list of attributes and scoring processes on each attribute.

Following the analysis, automation opportunities are qualified and quick wins are prioritized. Detailed risk and rewards assessment comes next. Finally come up the solution blueprint, integration roadmap, business case, ROI analysis, and assessment report.

Validate RPA solution

DigitalNext will help validate business process flows and exceptions, going beyond application functionality. Non functional requirements are also captured.

Setting up of input case data is followed by exception scenarios and validation of outcomes. Robots are trained using simple use cases at low volume during initial RPA runs. The complexity and volume are gradually tuned up to ensure minimal impact from processing mismatches.

Deploy at scale

DigitalNext will leverage a blend of Agile and DevOps methodologies for RPA deployment on the fast track. The implementation process is divided into sprints and executed according to the agreed upon project plan.

Requirement gathering, feasibility and creation of the project plan are followed by incremental development that is released for testing. Each sprint includes development with “show and tell” sessions for complex processes and incremental releases for testing. Following a robust testing process, bugs are remediated.

DigitalNext Services

DigitalNext RPA Services will provide access to RPA professionals who will leverage their experience and expertise to harness RPA technologies and tools for driving transformation in the enterprise. Our RPA services include:

RPA Consulting

Analyze business processes and assess fit for RPA technologies. Identify business benefits from RPA. Detail out impact, results, and risk factors of RPA implementation.

RPA Development

Design and develop intelligent applications using RPA process automation tools. Scale business workflows with RPA implementation following test and repeat cycles.

Automation Design

Identify intervention models and map processes that require automation. Design automation architecture and create conceptual and implementation ready models.

RPA Sustenance

Identify new business process candidates for RPA bots. Deliver ongoing support for business efficiency management after RPA solution implementation.

Have a project in mind?

Talk to us to learn how we can help you bring your ideas to life while solving business problems through digital technology.

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