BI Services for Digital Success

Data is the new oil / gold. It is the macro force that drives the digital economy. Business Intelligence (BI) is the power that propels growth. Traditional tools fail to see the bigger picture and are unable to deal with the data deluge that has become the norm. Symptoms of BI systems out of lock-step with current needs are many: declining returns, falling user adoption, data rich but information poor systems, siloed systems that are hard to reconcile, reporting platforms that are challenging to support, and manual decision support processes.

DigitalNext will enable you to implement next gen business intelligence systems that regulate the flow of data and empower organizations to gain competitive edge in the present while building a future-ready digital business.

Get the BI tools in place

DigitalNext will provide you with the tools to take your BI systems to the next level. By equipping you with checklists, templates, evaluation criteria, ROI routines, phase-wise targets, and detailed methodology, you obtain a robust framework to manage costs and optimize ROI.

Thereby we will be setting the levers for increased business value and driving the next phase of growth.

Institute solution strategy and frameworks

DigitalNext will lead you through evaluation and data quality assessment followed by selection of the right BI tools, technologies, and solution frameworks. Building a solid business case for the problem at hand comes next.

Development of a robust solution strategy ensures that all priorities are addressed and goals are met. Through regular workshops and ongoing process improvement, solution longevity is ensured.

Deploy BI solutions at scale

DigitalNext will leverage a proven methodology that utilizes reusable components as well as a flexible data model to pull in information from your various data sources to generate a variety of rich reports and analytics.

An iterative development approach makes extensive use of prototyping in order to translate user requirements into a solution that is closely aligned with your expectations.

DigitalNext Services

DigitalNext will provide access to BI technology professionals who will leverage their experience and expertise to harness BI technologies and unlock data to gain valuable insight. Our BI technology services include:

Custom Dashboards

Developing tailored dashboard solutions that are scalable and intuitive for executing data driven enterprise decisions in real-time.

Embedded Intelligence

Building multi-tenant BI, self service analytics, and digital transformation ready application and data integration solutions.

BI Applications

Analyzing and creating advanced BI applications that are high performance driven for data integration pipelines.

Big Data Analytics

Creating end to end solutions for augmenting big data analytics, infrastructure development, and solution deployment.

Cognitive Analytics

Implementing advanced customer analytics that powers predictive analytics platforms and recommendations.

Data Warehouse Modernization

Modernizing data warehouses and enabling scalable clouds for real time analytics capabilities.

Have a project in mind?

Talk to us to learn how we can help you bring your ideas to life while solving business problems through digital technology.

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